1-Sir Shina Adewale and the Superstars International-Oba oyebade lipede (Wel-Kadeb records 1979)
2-William Onyeabor-Why Go to War (Soundway records)
3-Lee Scratch Perry-Megaton Bomb (
4-Garden of Eden-Everybody's On a Trip (Kon's Edit)
5-Christy Essien-take life easy
6-Keith Hudson-Entering the dragon (1974,Sunspot)
7-Super Djata Band de Bamako-Bamako magnin (Mali Kunkan, Kindred Spirits)
8-The Black Souls-Baki Mutane Nakuka (Black People Crying)
9-Jimmy Mawi-I want get up (Soundway)
10-Jimi Tenor -Wanna hook up with you (2009,sakho records)
11-Anthony Joseph-Michael X (Narcissus) (2014, Heavenly Sweetness)
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