
Juju tribute : Ebenezer Obey & General Prince Adekunle

Une petite session Juju music pour bien démarrer la semaine. Deux personnages clés de ce genre qui vient, petit à petit, remplacer la musique Apala à partir des années 70. La plupart du temps les textes racontent des petites scènes de la vie quotidienne avec une morale à la clé. Les dieux, de Jesus à Ogun en passant par le bourgeois du quartier sont souvent à l'honneur, et l'interprète en chante les louanges. Faut bien payer la quinzaine de musiciens, en moyenne, nécessaire pour faire tourner cette énorme machinerie polyrythmique...
En général, les morceaux se suivent sans espace et les transitions sont assez souples, je les ai laissé tels quels.

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download General Prince Adekunle & his Supersonics Sounds "You Tell Me That You Love Me Baby" 33T (Ibukun Orisun Iye 1975)

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download Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey and his Inter-Reformers Band "There is no friend like jesus" 33T (Decca)

Les amateurs du genre trouverons leur bonheur sur cet excellent blog, those who like this kind of music will enjoy this great blog Groovemonzter

8 commentaires:

  1. I must say I am left speechless by both this great post and by your kind words. Much appreciation of both. Prince Adekunle is one of my favorite artist and very difficult to find. His music is pure Juju and very beautiful. I can't wait to hear this album. Cheers from Miami and thank you very much. Cole

  2. Your welcome, i also really appreciate prince Adekunle, he's got a proper sound that speaks to me...i got a lot of other Juju LP to come...and i'm a great fan of your blog and your youtube chanel, thanks to you...

  3. Hi Jimmy, Please what format are your post in? When I download these post my computer doesn't recognize the format. I have both rar and zip extractors but neither will open them. I want so much to hear these and the Shina Adewale post but I have never been able to open them. I'm sorry for my computer ignorance but can you give me a little help. Thank you very much. Cole

  4. Hi Cole, probably it's because I'm on Macintosh...I think you have to put .rar or .zip at the end of the stuff before openig it...hope it will work...

  5. Hi Jimmy, Thanks for the reply. Mac to PC is probably at the root of the problem. When I download the files they appear on the screen as a blank white icon. My computer shows that there are 72MB in the file but my rar extractor doesn't recognize the file. I tried adding both rar and zip. That makes the white icon change into the normal icon and it is then recognized by the extractor but when I try to extract the files it says there is a syntax error. I know I'm downloading the information because I can see the MB's. Very frustrating. Someday I'll figure it out. Those albums look great.

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